...just to relax! I will be taking a blogger's break this coming week. There has been so much going on here that Jos is taking a week for us just to do some things here in Holland that we have been wanting to do. We also have a new heater being installed up at Cranberry Cottage and have to be there when they come to put it in. We want to visit a museum or two and just enjoy some relaxation between doing odd jobs around the house.

May I introduce you to my sweet little namesake. This is my great niece Abigail Lynn. Her mother was also named after me so this is #3 Lynn. She is almost 2-1/2 months old but already holding herself up in a sitting position.

I am going to spend my weekend enjoying the beginning of autumn. It is my favorite season and I want to soak up every moment of it! Have a great weekend wherever you are.....
I'll be doing the same thing. Larry is on vacation and there is much to do to get ready for Travis' arrival home in Dec.! Enjoy your week. Oh, and your new little namesake is absolutely adorable!
Sweet baby.
Enjoy your time-out, Heidi.
Enjoy your time together Heidi. I hope you have a wonderful relaxing time.
What a blessing....Abigail Lynn...she is just to adorable for words....Have a great week doing what you love.....Take care my friend...Hugs from CA.
Enjoy your break.
Enjoy your time with Jos! Do many fun things. Your namesake is beautiful. Hugs, Deborah
enjoy your week away!
Have a great week and oh ... that baby is amazing!
Hugs, Carolien
Your little niece is so cute!! Enjoy your week.
Baby Lynn is so darling.
Have a wonderful week.
Enjoy your week, Heidi ! Your niece is so cute !
Enjoy your week Heidi I can imagine you need it after all that has been happening. Hope you have no problems with the new heater.
Abigail is beautiful and will be such a pleasure to see her grow.
Stay safe,
Love Hazel C (UK)
Oh, there is our beautiful Abby, she just calls out to be hugged and we are both too far away. Not fair. She is just a little doll.
Hope you get done all you plan to do.
Love you, Mom
Abigail Lynn is adorable! I hope you have a great week.
Hi Heidi,
I have been away, and am so happy to catch up on you blog. While your taking a break I can catch up on all the news. Your namesake is beautiful. I'm glad to see that your blog is as charming as ever. Blessings to you .
What a beautiful little great-niece you have! Enjoy your much-needed break; I'll look forward to seeing and hearing what you've been up to when you get back!
She even looks a little like you... the eyes???
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