"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all."
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Tasha Tudor illustration
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Tasha Tudor illustration
2 boneless chicken breasts, cut in cubes
2 onions
3 celery stocks, diced
handful of smoked almonds, chopped
1 green chili, chopped finely
200ml Creme Fraiche
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
green or black olives (either kind taste great in this dish)
1 cup of (old Dutch) grated cheese (use any cheese you prefer)
salt and pepper
2 cups potato chips
Preboil the celery. Cook the chicken and onions until brown. Add the celery, almonds, chili, tomatoes, olives, creme fraiche and mayonnaise. Mix in half of the cheese. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour mixture in a greased baking dish and sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top. Crush the potato chips and place on top of the mixture. Bake in a 175C/350F oven for about 35 minutes. This dish serves 2 to 4 portions.
Wow, this looks yummy.
You told me about this dish. It sounds good. I know you were a little worried having not made it before. Glad you were happy with it.
Love Mom
Sounds good. I have rediscovered my love of cooking over the past year. It has been a challenge to cook for my very picky son-in-law-to-be. Hooray, we discovered another main dish he likes just tonight! I have also begun making bread again; artisan breads, to be precise. I should blog about that.
Soooo delicious...thank you, Heidi! It's been snowing lots here, so always on the look out for comfort food this winter. Happy Weekend :o) ((HUGS))
Sigh, I wish I liked to cook bz this looks delicious! I just can't seem to get into the cooking mode any more.
Mooi en lekker!
This looks delicious! I wonder if tortilla chips would work instead of potato chips. I definitely will have to try this one!
This sounds and looks really delicious. A hearty warming meal.
Hugs Angela
It looks and sounds very tasty Heidi!
That looks completely gorgeous, I could make that with the left over turkey that is still in the freezer from Christmas. In fact... I think I will tonight.
I will send you an e-mail soon, so that we can confirm time and place to meet up soon. I am really looking forward to it, but got a caught up a bit with life these past few weeks.
Sorry for my tardy reply, but you will hear from me soon'
xox Caroline
Looks so yummy Heidi! Might have to use that!
That looks like a nice easy recipe. I think I'll try it sometime soon.
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