We sit inside with our Christmas tree lights burning gaily, our first two advent candles burning and a warm fire in the woodstove. I have been quilting and sipping a cup of hot cocoa. Bliss!
It needed to be a relaxing weekend after my mishap yesterday. We decided to go up to Cranberry Cottage after originally not planning to. We were about half an hour on our way when I realized I forgot to bring my most important medicine with me. So we had to turn around at the next exit and drive home. Needless to say, we no longer felt like going and went out to eat instead.
Heard the sharp crackle, caught the gleam
On whitewashed wall and sagging beam,
Until the old, rude-furnished room
Burst, flower-like, into rosy bloom;
While radiant with a mimic flame
Outside the sparkling drift became,
And through the bare-boughed lilac-tree
Our own warm hearth seemed blazing free."
~ from Snow-bound by James Greenleaf Whittier
So sorry you didnt make it to the cottage, but perhaps it was nice just to relax.
"...after my mishap yesterday."
What mishap?!? -sigh-
I'd say it was a weekend to stay at home, after the business of forgetting an important medicine. Things like that, I take as.... As some sort of gentle nudge, I guess. :-)
And it sounds like a lovely weekend,which you are having. Beautiful poem...
Gentle hugs...
Hi Heidi!
Well, my first thought would be thinking of Moley really ...
I honestly think that we are a bit of all of them, don't you think? But my marzipan part was definitely a Toad part, sigh :)
I will make some pictures of the tree, but you should come and see it of course! ;) Pip is having a great time and is singing loudly. He found himself more friends: St. Claus, a-kind-of-St. Claus and a little gnome. At midnight I send them to bed because they can chat on forever on that window-sill ... Pip even found another bird in the tree and they sing their duets of Christmas Carols already!
Would be lovely to see each other again. I am feeling better, thanks to the chiropractor and my DH, so that's no problem. After this coming week (still working then, also on Thursday morning) I have 2 weeks off, so maybe we can meet then?
Anyway, enjoy your fire and have a great weekend! Hugs, Carolien
O gosh, I am tired: first thought would be thinking ... sorry!
Bye, Carolien
I know how cozy that fire is. It feels so nice on a cold day or evening. The hot chocolate sounds good too. I was Christmas shopping today and I am almost finished. I just need something else for Bill. Now, I have it all to wrap. ahhhhh.
I just told you goodnight on Skype, I will talk to you tomorrow.
Love you, Mom
Heidi, sorry yu didn't make it to the Cranberry Cottage, but a nice hot chocolate by the fire sounds good. It's gone colder here in the UK too, although i doubt we will have snow, we have had fire on too all this week (although we burn coal)and it's so cosy, there really is no substitute for a real fire is there?
Have a good week
I'm sorry you didn't get to make it to the cottage this weekend. That was a nice little poem. I was born in Whittier, CA, a town named after that poet.
I hope you are enjoying your time at home - even though I know Cranberry cottage would be lovely.
Jeff is on vacation for 10 days and we were going to take a trip, but we have decided to just stay home and do things in our state. We looked at the Christmas lights in our town last night. Today, we drove to Ponca City to shop, eat dinner and see their wonderful lights in a park called the Festival of Angels.
Your pictures look so cozy and inviting. And I'm sure the wonderful atmosphere they show is also felt in reality so that it makes up for the missed weekend at the cottage. Enjoy your Sunday.
Wat jammer dat je terug moest, maar ik herken het wel hoor! Gelukkig hebben jullie toch nog een fijne zaterdag gehad. Ons Winterhuis was trouwens een groote succes en de formule is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar :-)
Lekker dat het wat kouder is geworden, ik vind het wel gezellig om de warmte binnen te zoeken. Jullie zijn maar mazzelaars met zo'n fijn kacheltje! fijne zondag, Jannet
I't is almost like a good Dutch winter.Cold and sunny! Loved the walk this morning with Rover, and my cup of latte at "de Generaal" in Baarn. My christmaspresent is put in a giftbag, so I'm ready for wednesday.
I,m doing knee and eye excersises, so i'm ready....
Het ziet er heel cozy uit met je houtkachel. En dan zo'n beker warme chocolademelk erbij, heerlijk voor zo'n koude zondag!
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